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Learn More about Aviation and Aircraft Noise

Want to learn more about aviation?

Explore helpful topics below to expand your knowledge and better understand how the industry functions through Oakland Airport (OAK), the San Francisco Bay Area, and beyond!

What is airspace?

To most people, the air above is just open space. But did you know that the air above you is actually defined and divided into different airspace regions that help guide safe aircraft operations?

What is noise?

Noise is a more complicated subject than you might think. There are many different factors that play into our daily soundscape and influence which sounds people might find annoying and ultimately classify as noise.

What affects the way I hear aircraft noise?

It is generally known that aircraft are loud machines, and sometimes this noise impacts our daily lives more than we would like. Have you ever wondered if there was more to it than that?

Aircraft Noise 101

This crash course presentation gives you an overview of what noise is and how it’s measured, important aircraft noise regulations, and an overview of OAK’s noise management and its history.

How we calculate overflights

Our Dashboard provides Overflights data over specific areas to show data tailored to your location. Interested to know how we determine which flights flew over your area? Learn how our localized tools work to calculate data personalized to you.

A pilot's control screen

The Skybrary information database

If you want to dig into a wide range of aviation topics you can explore the Skybrary. Initially set up by EUROCONTROL, it provides a broad range of information across various industry topics.

A flight information board

Understanding aviation acronyms

The aviation industry loves acronyms. If you have an acronym that you are struggling to understand then EUROCONTROL’s acronym database may be a good resource for you.

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