we strive to provide effective noise management
The airport is acknowledged as a noisy place, but steps can be taken to manage and minimize aircraft noise as much as possible.
The International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) has endorsed the EU Directive 2002/30/EC concept of a ”balanced approach” to aircraft noise management. This approach incorporates four key elements to the mitigation of noise levels at airports:

Reducing noise at the source
Reduce the noise produced by the aircraft itself through continual design and engineering improvements. Over the past 30 years efforts in this category have led to dramatic reductions in aircraft noise where newer aircraft are much quieter than their predecessors.

Land-use planning and management
Support local and national Governments to manage land use around airports and under flight paths to limit the number of new residential properties built in areas exposed to aircraft noise.

Noise abatement procedures
Encourage aircraft operators to fly optimal low-noise configurations and, where appropriate, monitor compliance against these procedures as part of our regular reports and engage directly with them to discuss improving performance as required.

Operating restrictions when possible
Limiting noisier operations and providing quieter alternatives whenever possible. This is the most difficult part to implement because it has to align and operate within Governmental restrictions.